I went to Ciudad Perdida and after 6 days managed to come back. Still alive, still in one piece and still no guerilla met. I have to make sure I´m in Colombia;) It was really interesting and quite exhausting adventure this trip to lost city. The prize was amazing views and magic feeling there in our destiny. Haven´t seen so far sth like this - hidden in the jungle rest of civilisation; great experience just to be there for couple of hours despite 3 days walking each way in heavy morning sun and heavy afternoon rains, crossing rivers milion times (most time nothing dry) and neverending fighting with mosquitos meantime. The only few more drastic experiences was an attack of albino (white) frog which just jumped on me, tarantula in one of our camps and crossing one really dangerous river when coming back (too much rain meantime). But hanging in hammocks each night & listening to vallenato songs (vocal -our guide) helped out to be ready each morning for next adventures.On our way in a small ´tent laboratory´ we had also possibility to go through the training of cocaine production process which I found quite similar to paper production process. Some different chemicals were used and of course coca leaves instead of pulp... Due to good profitability I would suggest to think over diverification at AP;) On our way we could also meet Kogis Indians living there like ages before although nowadays for example can listen to the radio... They wear traditional hand-made clothes and maybe it was not the bast idea to give them my Tshirt which I didn´t need anymore (it was with AP logo - so I did it in frame of promotion:)
After Ciudad Perida and making myself againg human being (long shower, laundry service etc..) with some people met on the trip we went to do nothing and chill out in National Tayrona Park, located on the coast and called paradise. I can only agree with this name as indeed it was paradise. Alost empty marvellous beaches & bautiful bays, meantime terrible sun & rains and then unforgotten night in una hamaka 20m from the sea.
Now I´m in Cartagena. I´m completely amazed by this city, especially old town. Just couldn´t stop taking pictures there and no much memory left on my card. But those very narrow streets, colorful buildings with balconys looked so wonderful (lack of vocabulary to describe). On my photos probably less wonderful, not only because Im a bad photographer but it´s also a matter of being here and feeling the history. Just came back from the San Felipe bastion the object of neverending attacks of pirates and also French & English colonists - very bloody stories. I took a guide to listen some of them. He was taking me to the most dark corridors and taking care of me very much. Still feel his breath on my neck:)
Today while walking around I´m tasting all the fruits I could buy on the small market. Can not remember names... it´s quite exiciting - I never know if will just love it or have to spit out (tak sie pisze wypluc?) immidiatelly:)
Yesterday I was also taken for a tour to Supermarket (Gracias Nicolas!) and had possibility to see & taste some typical Colombian products. Sweet bocadillos (of guayaba taste) with milk... yammi, yammi. Also found out that good cup of coffee - only in JuanValdezCafe, only with canela.
My last hours in Cartagena... so nice in internet cafe with air-conditioning but I better go out to enjoy even more old town views although suffering so much calor. Next station - Medellin! Then - could be that Pacific coast...
BTW - I met a Swidish girl two days ago and I practised my Svenska! As promised! I aksed her ¨hur mar du?¨ and for the same question I answered ¨Jag mar jattebra!¨ Task realised:)
After Blues & Agnieszka Twardowska - Wyspa.
7 years ago
Adula, pilnie śledzę Twoje zapiski i cieszę się, że dajesz znaki życia. W sumie to nawet i trochę zazdroszczę cudownych widoków i kontaktu z tamtejszą cywilizacją. Pilnuj się i pisz jak tylko możesz. Całuję Cię mocno. Pa. Kasia
Ja też cię obserwuję(nie śledzę)
Kasia, a nie mowilam ze bedzie cool i superbezpiecznie! (z racji bandyctwa gliny i zolnierze sa wszedzie wiec ostatecznie jest bezpiecznie, tym bardziej ze jestem obserwowana i/lub sledzona:) wybacze Ci nawet te publiczna Adule;)
Duza Buzka!
Hej - Bra att du praktiserar din svenska! Då pratar du flytande när du kommer tillbaka till Göteborg.. :-) Medellin låter farligt, medan pacific coast låter härligt..! Ta med lite sol hem..
Lite sol, lite regn jag will tar hem... Men nar is min hem?;)
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