Friday, August 23, 2013

"Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans"

Kilka miesięcy temu byłam na kursie Dale Carnegie "Going out from comfortable zone"… 4 godziny zajęć raz w tygodniu przez 12 tygodni. Uff, nie było lekko ale kurs polecam absolutnie każdemu. Co tydzień trzeba było przygotowac 2-minutową prezentację na wybrany temat, głównie związany z własnym rozwojem (na szczęście prezentacje mogłam robić po ang).
Czasami zapisywalam sobie co chciałam opowiedzieć i właśnie przypadkowo znalazlam ten tekst, którym postanowilam sie podzielić:)
Teraz żałuję, że nie wszystkie prezentacje sobie zanotowalam... ale może jeszcze coś odkopię albo sobie przypomnę.
I’m at home in the afternoon. Just after work, playing with my doughter Hanna. She is 2,5 so at the age when baby is really funny and creative but also needs a lot of attention.

I’m kind of playing with her but in fact - instead of having fun together - at the same time I’m checking my mailbox, send text messages, try to clean the mess which is around and prepare something to eat. And I also think how I should run tomorrow’s phone meeting with customer.

So, quite a lot in my head and Hanna is pretty smart beast and feels that I’m not with her… therefore does everything possible to capture my full attention. First she was drawing on the wall and then started to pour water on all the floor - pretty proud from the result. No doubts all those forbidden ‘activities’ were done on purpose. She definitely succeeded in catching my attention.

I stopped all my thoughts for a while and started to observe her. I saw her with all the energy involved in one activity and the purpose of all her activity was to have FUN. She was not worried what was yesterday or even a while ago, what could be tomorrow. She was here and now. And wanted to have FUN!

I found it pretty inspiring, it’s really nothing new but we tend to forget to enjoy the moment we are right now… And I it’s not the first time I learn it, on all my joga sessions I hear that I should be “here hear & now”, focus, enjoy the moment. On Dale Carnegie we also talked how important is to do one thing at the time.
But we simply continuously have to remind ourselves about that…

And as a reminder I noted for myslef words of John Lennon song's which he wrote for his son : Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans (or things).

Let’s slow down, indeed do one thing at a time & enjoy the momentJ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is so absolutely true and so f..reaking difficult at the same time.. I know the joga theory,too but to make it happen is hardly possible. Kids know how to do it but then unfortunately forget (look at us adults)
If I only had such a course locally I would attend for sure. Meanwhile I'm trying to read his book but too busy to do it. The book is waiting on the table for weeks now.